集团介绍 Group Profile


Hunan Conference and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd was formed by the Hunan Tourism Group as a way to fulfill the mission of developing the exhibition economy assigned by the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hunan Province. It aspires to extensively create platforms for international cooperation, build an inland exhibition center, and become a leading exhibition enterprise. The company, formerly known as the Business Exhibition Center of the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province, was founded in 2000. Over two decades, it has been deeply engaged in the exhibition industry and organized nearly 100 key domestic and international trade events. To date, it has served nearly 2,000 large and medium-sized exhibitions, with a total exhibition area of nearly 10 million square meters.

Main Business

中国国际食品餐饮博览会(食餐会)是食餐行业内贸流通领域的重点专业展会,首届展会于2016年举办。九届食餐会期间,展览面积累计达到69.2万平方米,参展企业数量总计达到13000余家,共有40余个省、市组团单位,50余个国家和地区的企业组团参展,参观总人次累计约135万人次,积累了超过30万条客户资源和1500家商协会资源。食餐会目前已被列入我省“十四五”重点培育的展会项目受到了省、市的高度关注。 The China International Food & Catering Expo (CIFCE) is a premier professional industry event in domestic trade circulation. The first exhibition was held in 2016 and it has been held for nine sessions to date. The cumulative exhibition area of the CIFCE has reached 692,000 square meters with more than 13,000 companies from more than 40 provinces and cities in China and over 50 countries and regions in the world participating in the exhibition. It has received about a total of 1.35 million visitors and amassed over 300,000 customer contacts and 1,500 trade association affiliations. The CIFCE has been included in the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Hunan province as a key exhibition project and has received great attention from the provincial and municipal governments.

Space Aviation & Marine Industry Development Forum
航天航空航海产业发展论坛(三航论坛)是国内唯一一个融合航天、航空、航海前沿学术及成果的高端专业论坛,是湖南会展集团与北京空间信息研究所共同策划执行的高端会议论坛项目,每年在长沙举办一届。六届期间,三航论坛分论坛从首届的5个增加到第六届的11个,前六届总参会人员突破6500人。历届三航论坛得到了省委省政府的高度重视。三航论坛除了会议,每届还同期举办了系列活动,包括三航装备展、中国商业小卫星产业创新联盟成立仪式和“太空嘉年华”活动。 The Space Aviation & Marine Industry Development Forum is the only high-end professional forum in China that integrates cutting-edge academic and research achievements in aerospace, aviation, and maritime fields. As a high-end conference forum project jointly planned and executed by the Hunan Conference and Exhibition Group and the Beijing Institute of Space Science and Technology Information, it is held annually in Changsha and has been held for six sessions. The number of its sub-forums has increased from 5 to 11 and it has a total of over 6,500 participants in the past six sessions. The CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the Hunan Provincial People’s Government attached great importance to every session of the Forum. In addition to the conference, the Forum has also held a series of other concurrent events during each session, including the equipment exhibition in aerospace, aviation, and maritime, the establishment ceremony of the China Commercial Small Satellite Industry Innovation Alliance, and the "Space Carnival" activity.

Changsha International Famous Brand Expo
长沙国际名品博览会于2023年举办首届,两年一届。首届展会展览规模达2.2万平方米,吸引了来自省内13个市州及20个省、市、自治区300余家企业参与展示展销。同期举办闹江虎全球联盟奢侈品展、巡馆、开幕式暨品牌发展论坛等10余场专题活动。展会期间,共计接待专业采购商及观众近3.2万人次,达成交易破亿元。 The Changsha International Famous Brand Expo was first held in 2023 and is held every two years. The first exhibition covered an area of 22,000 square meters, attracting more than 300 enterprises from 13 cities and prefectures within Hunan province, as well as from 20 other provinces, cities, and autonomous regions to showcase and sell their products. Concurrently, more than 10 special events were held, including the NNTiger Global Alliance luxury exhibition, the exhibition hall tour, and the opening ceremony and brand development forum. The exhibition received nearly 32,000 professional purchasers and visitors, resulting in transactions valued at over RMB100 million.

国国际名酒博览会(春季)暨长沙国际酒业博览会是集团重点培育的自办展会之一,于2023年举办首届,每年一届。首届展会规模超2.2万平方米,同期举办了开幕式暨酒业创新发展高峰论坛、2023湘西高质量发展高峰论坛暨湘酒湘商产销对接会等20项重大活动,签约金额达9.89亿,并与英国、欧洲、加拿大、柬埔寨、老挝等境外湖南商协会达成推广战略合作协议。 The China International Famous Alcoholic Drinks Expo (Spring Edition) & the 1st Changsha International Alcoholic Drinks Expo is one of the key self-organized exhibitions by the Group. It was first held in 2023 and is held annually. The first exhibition covered an area of over 22,000 square meters and featured 20 major events including the opening ceremony and liquor industry innovation and development summit, and the Xiangxi  High-Quality Development Summit 2023 & Hunan Liquor and Merchants Production and Sales Matching Meeting. These activities resulted in contracts valued at RMB989 million and strategic cooperation agreements with Hunan trade associations in the UK, Europe, Canada, Cambodia, and Laos for promotional support.

联系方式 Contacts


Hunan Conference and Exhibition Group Co., Ltd.

ADD:湖南省长沙市雨花区芙蓉中路二段279号金源阳光酒店A座29层 ADD: 29 F, Block A, Jinyuan Sunshine Hotel, No. 279, Section 2, Furong Middle Road, Yuhua District, Changsha City, Hunan Province TEL:(86)731-84824383     FAX:(86)731-84824383 TEL: (86)731-84824383      FAX: (86)731-84824383

时间:2024/9/6-8 地点:长沙国际会展中心
客户联络中心:境内 0731-82287397
Overseas:+86 0731-82287397